@prefix this: . @prefix sub: . @prefix np: . @prefix dct: . @prefix nt: . @prefix npx: . @prefix xsd: . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix orcid: . @prefix prov: . sub:Head { this: np:hasAssertion sub:assertion; np:hasProvenance sub:provenance; np:hasPublicationInfo sub:pubinfo; a np:Nanopublication . } sub:assertion { . } sub:provenance { sub:assertion prov:wasDerivedFrom . } sub:pubinfo { nt:hasLabelFromApi "member of - organization, club or musical group to which the subject belongs. Do not use for membership in ethnic or social groups, nor for holding a political position, such as a member of parliament (use P39 for that)" . nt:hasLabelFromApi "Hogwarts - fictional Scottish school of magic from the Harry Potter universe" . nt:hasLabelFromApi "Harry Potter - fictional character of the Harry Potter book series" . sub:sig npx:hasAlgorithm "RSA"; npx:hasPublicKey "MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQCLjt5Pd8HsiEm3/E68vEPuadlpWE6MWfZw3lQZ40In2QkV0bl34UxyabeYGk7DBxxHb6xIU8e3w3fDZ9cfqEK02TnKh7klDSAunpW3RhIn9M3CvJlh2wgIXwSvrMbpBj4CZRSgsfh9WmN1UXL8ZiEKuG7QTmyNBwqXEsesfvF/PQIDAQAB"; npx:hasSignature "Xxuw54LPwDgtTyMR1UG1cxGtLQnHDwlo8VEE9pwIXkwm9REdgEZJtXA2mYq8cAcCMB+sy00AJ2O3ZSdjYJWXhqFz+vJLuhmnB5R9CA6p5pG75BMcj8VYjuKKAcwpnb26MERlBvLXbUd84Ma3bAkUdDOoib6WqS3HI3J51AwEtOU="; npx:hasSignatureTarget this:; npx:signedBy orcid:0009-0007-9171-6715 . this: dct:created "2024-10-04T09:20:16.606Z"^^xsd:dateTime; dct:creator orcid:0009-0007-9171-6715; dct:license ; npx:hasNanopubType ; npx:wasCreatedAt ; rdfs:label "Harry Potter - member of - Hogwarts"; nt:wasCreatedFromProvenanceTemplate ; nt:wasCreatedFromPubinfoTemplate , ; nt:wasCreatedFromTemplate . }